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    Ryan Chung




  • Software Development
  • Big Data Analysis
  • Deep Learning
  • Linux, Git, Docker
  • Python, C, C++, Shell

Hello, I'm Ryan Chung. I'm passionate about exploring diverse fields and skilled in organizing activities with leadership and communication. During my graduate studies, I managed laboratory servers and contributed to various projects. Currently, I'm developing innovative data analysis tools and databases with professors from NCKU and UChicago.


Master of Electrical Engineering

  • National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), 2021 - 2024 (GPA 4.0)
  • Bioinformatics, Big Data Analysis, Full Stack Web Development, Deep Learning

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering

  • National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), 2015 - 2020
  • SW/HW design, RF design, Embedded design, Web design

Work Experience

NCKU, EE, Computational Systems Biology Lab

Server Administrator ( 2022 - 2023 )

  • Maintained Linux servers and websites in the laboratory, ensuring their operation and preventing mining and malicious attacks.
  • Set up a NAS in the laboratory, organized and planned backup mechanisms for research achievements over the years.
  • Educated new members in basic Linux operations and website development techniques, sharing knowledge and experience with people.

Project Experience

For more details, please refer to the project page.

Full Stack Web Development

  • Developed multiple web projects, including social platforms 1 2 and data analysis websites 3. Collaborated with students from different departments.
  • Experienced in frontend and backend development using frameworks such as Docker, Django, and React.
  • Experienced in working with various databases, including MongoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.
  • Contributed to an industry-academia collaboration project, assisting in planning the internal website infrastructure 4.

Data Analysis and Deep Learning

  • Developed analysis modules using Python libraries for big-data analysis and visualization. 5
  • Participated in various deep learning projects, including medical image recognition with OpenCV 6 7 and research on NLP techniques 8.
  • Experienced in TensorFlow and PyTorch frameworks.

Embedded and Hardware Implementation

  • Developed a smart dumbbell using Arduino with the department of Industrial Design and presented a paper at CONMEDIA 2019. 9
  • Conducted research on resonant circuits for wireless power transfer, simulating and implementing circuits using tools like HSPICE and HFSS. 10
  • Experienced in both software and hardware development and implementation.


  • Actively participated in online seminars organized by companies such as Google, AWS, and Nvidia.
  • Served as a core member of Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC), responsible for studying and promoting natural language processing (NLP) techniques. 8
  • Served as a core member of NCKU Mountaineering Club, responsible for reviewing team safety and participating in rescue missions. Hosted large-scale events involving dozens of participants and served as a guest lecturer for Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) programs. 11

Academic Achievements

Master's Thesis

  • sRNA Analyst: A Web Tool for In-depth Analysis of sRNA-seq Data. (Preparing for submission in 2024) 3

Collaborative Papers

  • Crosslink-induced mutation analyses of CLASH data suggest PIWI Argonaute adopt distinct binding conformations for canonical and non-canonical target recognition. (Under submission in 2024)
  • Transcriptome-wide analysis of piRNA binding sites suggest distinct mechanisms regulate piRNA binding and silencing in C. elegans. (Published in RNA Journal, March 2023) 5
  • Enhancing Quality of Life based on Physical Activity for Indonesian Elderly: A Preliminary Study for Design Recommendation. (Published in IEEE International Conference on New Media Studies, 2019) 9


  • 2023 Phi Tau Phi Honorary Member 12

Next: Autobiography


  1. Guide and Tour Commentary System,

  2. Blogging Platform,

  3. sRNA Analyst, 2

  4. Website Infrastructure,

  5. RNA-seq Analysis Toolkit, 2

  6. COVID-19 Image Recognition Application,

  7. Face Mask Detection Using YOLO Model,

  8. Google Developer Student Club (GDSC, NLP), 2

  9. Smart Dumbbell Chip Development, 2

  10. Resonant Circuits for Wireless Power Transfer,

  11. Outdoor activity experience and licenses,

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