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    Ryan Chung

Hello, I am Ryan Chung from Tainan. I recently graduated from the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) with a master degree in Electrical Engineering (EE). I have various research projects, mainly focused on data science and biological gene analysis. I have also taken courses on related subjects, such as data structures and algorithms, machine learning and deep learning, web design, and information security.

Learning and Research Abilities

During my undergraduate studies, I developed a passion for programming languages. In addition to basic languages such as C, C++, Java, and Python, I also studied courses on assembly language, data structure and algorithms, software engineering, and web design. I proactively explored different fields of technology and joined various laboratories to work on projects, learning about analog IC design and wireless transmission circuit design.

During my master's studies, I started to immerse myself in the field of bioinformatics. I proactively learned about biology and related software applications and took courses on data mining and artificial intelligence. I was appointed as the laboratory server administrator and responsible for training new students, and actively learned about network security technology. Combining all of the above, I have a strong ability to self-learn and a proactive attitude towards seeking knowledge. I am capable of quickly grasping new knowledge in the rapidly evolving technology industry, while effectively planning progress and pushing forward multiple research projects and assigning tasks.

Team Collaboration Abilities

During my time in college, I often served as the core leader in clubs and activities, leading large-scale events involving dozens of people. I have experience coordinating different levels of organization and integrating team opinions. During my master's studies, I participated in many projects and discussions with senior and junior classmates, my professor, and overseas collaborators. I can quickly integrate different opinions, engage in rational discussions, and propose feasible solutions and ideas.

In addition, I have participated in industry-academic cooperation projects and can adapt to the intensive product development pace, plan progress, and complete tasks on time. Combining all of the above, I can maintain a positive and effective communication atmosphere, regardless of peer interactions or superior-subordinate relationships. Even with multiple roles to juggle, I can maintain smooth team operations.

Passion for Extracurricular Learning

In addition to research, I actively seek to enhance my skills and knowledge. Apart from taking online courses at NTU and NCTU to learn the theory of algorithms and deep learning, I also enrolled in online courses or seminars on cloud services such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform to improve my soft skills.

Moreover, I participated in the Google Developer Student Club (GDSC) as a core member, where I studied and promoted natural language processing technologies, and joined the NCKU Blockchain Research Club to learn about the application of blockchain and encryption technologies. In summary, I possess the necessary drive to venture into various fields, make the most of my spare time to enhance my abilities, learn new things, and share my knowledge with others.

Research and Projects

My current research focuses on developing a web-based tool that can handle, analyze, and compare gene sequencing data while incorporating existing literature analysis results. This tool aims to meet the needs of biologists by combining their requirements with existing data analysis tools. I am collaborating with the biology laboratory at the University of Chicago and using data mining and big data analysis to address the limitations of existing software and establish a database that biologists can use to compare experimental results. This research is being prepared for paper writing and submission to journals.

I have two main projects from my undergraduate studies. The first project involves designing a resonant circuit for wireless power transmission, starting with fundamental mathematical formulas, and discussing the impact of coil distance and geometry on near-field energy transfer. In addition to using Matlab and simulation software for analysis, I also implemented the circuit and measured the results. This project tested my ability to integrate theory with practice. The second project involves developing a smart dumbbell using Arduino and a 9-axis sensor to assist elderly people in exercising to prevent muscle atrophy. I collaborated with the Industrial Design Department to produce the product. We published a paper on the topic at the IEEE CONMEDIA Conference 2019, and it represents the integration of mechanical and electrical engineering into daily life.

Goals and Aspirations

As a graduated student, I aspire to enter the workforce immediately and embrace challenges and learning knowledge across various domains. I envision myself joining a reputable company where I can learn cross-field knowledge and continuously enhance my expertise in relevant technologies, and growing together with the company to become an expert.

Lastly, I possess a solid foundation in software skills and a background in electrical engineering. I have the confidence to venture into different domains, along with excellent learning abilities, adaptability, work focus, and experience in collaborative teamwork. I believe that with proper training, I will be able to excel in any job role and objective.